22. From Mud
From Mud
"We're filth! We're filth! We come from filth, we're going to filth, we're filth!"
"The LORD God formed the man of dust from the ground..."
—Genesis 2:7a
Infamous ASA evangelist Richard Dawkins purports: "Mud, in the form of clay, may have learned to replicate and eventually the process led to the creation of the famous DNA double helix and life itself."
Dawkins arrives at this conclusion because clay has one of the essential requirements for life – reproduction. His proposition is based on the proposal by Scottish chemist Graham Cairns-Smith, who first proposed his theory in 1966 but further studies in 2007 and 2013 backed the principles.
Most recently Biological Engineers from Cornell University's department for Nanoscale Science in New York state agreed clay 'might have been the birthplace of life on Earth'.
Once again, we see the difference is in the interpretation of the science (time and first cause), not the science itself. “Over billions of years, chemicals confined in those spaces could have carried out the complex reactions that formed proteins, DNA and eventually all the machinery that makes a living cell work."
Or...a First Cause could have formed those proteins and DNA in a single day when He formed man.
Ironically coincidental that if it wasn't God, but happened as the ASA theorizes, that ancient man coincidentally guessed correctly when making up the Mesopotamian just-so story.
Research and quotes taken by the article, Revealed: How life on earth began - and the answer is even crazier than you thought by Paul Baldwin. Aug 17, 2017.
Photo Credit: Filth People: Screenshot from The Tick vs Filth / DNA: Public Domain / Clay Hands: Creative Commons
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