21. From Apes

21. From Apes

"All flesh is not the same flesh: but there is one kind of flesh of men (humans), another flesh of beasts (primates), another of fishes, and another of birds." 
1 Corinthians 15:39

Since bananas share about 50% of their DNA with humans, does that mean bananas are half human?

Do similarities between the skeletal features of  Australopithecus (Lucy) to chimpanzees and humans point to a common ancestor or a common Designer?

With no way scientifically answer that question (we can't observe species-to-species evolution and we can't observe God creating a species), we must resort to our belief system or world view.

ASA Scientists believe that primates and humans evolved/descended from a common primate ancestor (primate-kind).

Creation Scientists believe that primates evolved/descended from a common primate ancestor (primate-kind), and humans evolved/descended from a common human ancestor (human-kind).

In this picture, different types of primates are lined up by size and speculated erect statue along with Neanderthal Man, Cro Magnon Man and modern humans. The ASA then claims this line-up proves each one evolved into the next.

Remember post 19. Animal-Kinds and Common Descent? that featured the following Dog Kind image?

In essence, this ASA line-up of primate-kinds and human-kinds, if redone for dog-kinds, is claiming a small dog evolves into large dog and then into a dingo a then into a coyote and then into a wolf.

Swordcraft Tip: Highlight 1 Corinthians 15:39 in your designated spiritual warfare color.

Photo Credit: Monkey Selfie: Creative Commons / Banana Monster: Free Stock Photos / Lucy: Public Domain / Human Evolution: Answers in Genesis / Dog-Kinds: Answers in Genesis


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