7. Genesis is Poetry

7. Genesis is Poetry

For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, 
so that people are without excuse.
—Romans 1:20

The ASA (Agenda of Secular Academia) has been circulating the "Genesis is poetry" rumor for nearly a century.

(Even Christian theologians and apologists have been recruited into the ASA...another reason to remember that the ASA is a weapon of the enemy, not the enemy itself…though admittedly it’s easy to forget this due to the vehemence of their attacks against any who would disagree with them).

The “logical” conclusion is, of course, that poetry is fiction; thus, the Creation account in Genesis is fiction.

Say you wrote a poem about something you experienced—bullying or abuse, the death of a friend or loved one. Because you wrote about that experience as poetry, it automatically isn’t true?

Obviously. Not.

So the ASA’s assumption that poetry automatically = fiction is not valid. It’s not even logical.

But here’s the real kicker.

Genesis isn’t even Hebrew poetry.

The creation accounts in chapters 1 and 2 are written as historical narrative. But the ASA assumes you will blindly believe whatever they say.

How do I know it’s not poetry?

Because linguists (experts in languages) have examined the differences between Hebrew poetry and Hebrew narrative.

Sentences, regardless of language, can be broken down into three main parts: Subject (S), Verb (V), and Object (O). Interestingly enough, these parts can be in various orders.

Powerful (O) you (S) have become (V) 

You (S) powerful (O) have become (V)

English & Hebrew Poetry:
You (S) have become (V) powerful (O) 

Hebrew Narrative:
Have become (V) you (S) powerful (O)

So how are the Genesis Creation accounts written?

In the beginning, created (V) God (S) the heavens and the earth (O).

This is the verb(V) subject(S) object(O) of Hebrew Narrative, not the (S), (V), (O) of Hebrew poetry.

It's that simple.

And now you're in the know.

For examples of Hebrew poetic accounts of Creation, see Psalm chapters 8, 19, 29, 65, 104, and 139.

Swordcraft Tips:

Label Psalm chapters 8, 19, 29, 65, 104, and 139 and/ or list them in the margin of Genesis chapter 1 as examples of Hebrew poetry.

Write in the margin of Genesis chapter 1: Hebrew narrative = (V), (S), (O). In the beginning, created (V) God (S) the heavens and the earth (O).

Highlight Romans 1:20 in your designated Spiritual Warfare color.

Interested in learning more? Check out these links:
Linguistics, Genesis, and Evolution 
Genesis Is History, Not Poetry: Exposing Hidden Assumptions about What Hebrew Poetry Is and Is Not 
Is Genesis poetry / figurative, a theological argument (polemic) and thus not history?
Creation Psalms and What They Teach

Photo Credits: Prototype CreationYoda by Fathead / Genesis page / Torah Scroll


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