27. Imago Dei: The Image of God as Dominion
27. Imago Dei: The Image of God as Dominion "...Subdue [the earth], and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth." —Genesis 1:28 This view sees us made in the image of God in that we share in His dominion over the earth. The featured image is of a sign for sale at a Renn Faire. It jumped out at me because this ASA sentiment is exactly the opposite of what the Bible says, hearkening back to the battle of the worldviews. We are to be good stewards of the earth. We are not to abuse or exploit its resources. But we are its lords. We have the God-given right to chop down a tree and build shelter from the elements. We have the God-given right to kill an animal for sustenance. We do not share equality with trees or animals. What difference does this distinction make? What role does it play in the war? We buy our oil from Saudi Arabia...a country that commits gross violations of human rights. A Saudi ...